Why Use Pocket Rocks?
There are some ways to interact with healing crystals that are easier than others. It’s hard to beat wearing jewelry as a strategy to interact with crystal energy because ~who doesn’t like a little bling~ but pocket rocks have a very specific usefulness to them. Let me count the ways.
1) The Location Just Makes Sense: Your front pocket location directly interacts with two main chakras that deal with your physical world stability, wellbeing, and vitality, which are the root chakra and the sacral chakra.
a) The Root Chakra (aka: Muladhara chakra): This chakra is all about how you plug into the physical/material world. It is how you and Mamma Earth stay buddies. It’s about being in the world now, working it, putting your back into it, staying grounded, safe, paying your bills, showing up for class, being safe, sound, and stable.
The most popular notion of the location of the root chakra is basically between your sex organ and anus at the perineum, facing down to the ground. Traditional crystal healing placements for the root chakra are between the legs and at the groin area on both sides.
Your front pockets directly overlay the groin position. Handy, eh? Quite handy since it’s kinda tough to walk with healing crystals taped between your sex organ and your anus. Just sayin’.
This basically means that rocks in your pockets (shown with an X on the photo) would be at the root chakra groin position placement, while not immediately at the base of the chakra, is still very root chakra interactive. If you use root chakra specific healing crystals in your pockets, it is like you are facilitating a crystal healing session on yourself the whole day long. 😀
The colors corresponding to the root chakra are black, grey, gunmetal/metallic, red, and brown.
Underactive Root Chakra: If your root chakra needs a bit of support, you may be feeling spaced out, out of touch, disinterested in regular world activities, ungrounded, and not particularly “present” in your body. Think taking a dose or two of cold medicine and how that makes you feel. It’s hard to concentrate, hard to care about concentrating, hard to care about shit that needs to get done, like the laundry, dinner, thank you cards, and so on.
Pocket rocks that support the root chakra can help to keep your butt on the ground, keep you clearer headed, focused, and present in the “real” world.
b) The Sacral Chakra (aka Svadhishthana chakra): This center is all about vitality, sexuality, creativity, va-va-voom, gut instincts, passion, lusty-sucking-the-marrow-of-life stuff. It’s also a very physical/material world energy center. I see it as the center that dictates how interested and engaged your are with interacting with the physical world and how much gusto you can invest into it. It also seems to be where we hold a lot of unexpressed trauma and grief, things that challenge our sense of safety. Often those “gut feelings” that make you feel uneasy and “on guard” for no apparent reason are also filtered through this center.
I consider the location of the sacral chakra to be basically at your lower “pooch”, belly area halfway between your belly button and your bikini line. The front pocket position also interacts directly with this energy center. Again, useful.
The color for the sacral chakra is generally orange and orange shades, like peach, but there can be an overlap with root chakra colors because the womb, which is in the physical region of this energy center, is also associated with black and red.
Underactive Sacral Chakra: Yeah, if your belly chakra (another name for it) isn’t at a healthy level, you are going to feel lethargic, maybe depressed, mostly disinterested in things that take a little energy to do, creative activities, joyful or fun activities, sex, and so on. You’ll generally feel meh. Meh, meh, meh. The time until 5 o’clock at work will drag. on. forever. Your “zestiness” will not be very zesty. Your effervescence will be a bit flat. You get my point. Yeah, you’re alive, but you aren’t putting your back into the art of living.
Pocket rocks that support the sacral chakra can help to infuse zesty vitality, endurance, and the “juice” and inspiration it takes to tackle your everyday world tasks.
2) Can Address Polarity Balance: Your energy system isn’t just about the chakras and how they interact with one another, but also about the balance between the left and right sides of your system. Some folks consider one side of their body more “receptive” and the other side more “projective” or “grounding”, some consider different sides to be more feminine or masculine, and so on. Think of it like the concept of being left or right brained. Your energy body does something similar.
Pocket rocks, when used in pairs, can address polarity issues and can use the natural receptive and projective/grounding sides of the body as a way to strategically place healing crystals that would be in alignment with receptive or projective/grounding tasks and support. In other words, you can make your pocket rocks work smarter and with a bit more mindfulness as it relates to energy body balance and alignment.
3) The Location is Private and Stealthy: What you put in your front pockets is nobody’s business, but your own. Ha. You can shove as many healing crystals in your pockets as you wish, until you reach maximum capacity when people begin to wonder just what on earth you are smuggling in your pants…then not so stealthy.
Caveats: Rocks have different levels of hardness and if you put more than one rock into the same pocket, they might scratch or hurt each other. Also, if you put your phone in your pocket, where your healing crystals are, your phone may get scratched, etc. If you put a shit ton of rocks in your pockets, you will begin to sound like a rattle… also not stealthy. One last thing, if you put healing crystals in your pockets regularly, you need to remember to take them back out or they may take an unwanted trip through the washer and dryer. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
4) Pocket Rocks are Generally “Acceptable”: I mean that there are a lot of people who put rocks in their pockets as a part of normal accessorizing. This includes people who aren’t particularly metaphysical or interested in energy work. Some folks just consider it a “good luck” piece or a “worry stone” that you fiddle with when you are bored or need soothing.
My favorite Uses of Pocket Rocks
1) Grounding to the Real World: I can get spaced out pretty easily where it is difficult for me to get stuff done in the real world. Phooey, but true. Grounding healing crystals can go a long way in helping me to stay in my body so I can show up for the tasks at hand.
My favorites include: shungite, lodestone, labradorite, smoky quartz, petrified wood, black or brown tourmaline, hematite, or hematite included quartz varieties, like Sacred Heart Rose Quartz.
The photo below shows the Lodestone Pocket Rock Set that I think is probably one of the best deals out there. I regularly add it to my pocket rocks because it does such a good job of pulling your ankles back to the ground. I had a lovely wooey (spiritual/energy sensitive) lady come into the store who wanted something that would ground her out. We walked around the store and I had her feel a few different healing crystals, but when I put two lodestone in her hands and told her to put her hands by her front pockets she said she ~immediately~ felt her head clear.
Lodestone is an iron ore that is naturally magnetic. The iron content is grounding no matter what stone it is in, but the magnetic properties make it especially useful in digging your feet back into the geomagnetic field of the planet. This is ridiculously useful when there are any kind of geomagnetic disturbances on the planet from solar flare activity. Sensitive folks are almost always tossed around by solar flares, even on a good day.
Also, lodestone helps to attract things that you want and repel things that you don’t, that’s double score, don’t you think? Plus, it’s dirt cheap. Any healing crystal this useful and this cheap always gets a special shout out from me.
2) Energetic Protection/Boundary Integrity: Energetic protection is pretty much the process of making sure your energy field is not permeable to unwanted influences. It is precisely where your energy field is weaker or where there are voids that intrusive energies assert themselves and cause you challenges. (Think of energetic protection like having strong immunity against energetic pathogens.) Some healing crystals are quite useful in empowering your auric field to be stronger and less permeable.
My favorites include: Almost the exact list I just described for “grounding” could also double as “protective”. The two things are almost always connected. I would add amazonite to a protective and buffering combo. One of my favorite combos for protection and grounding together is Labradorite and Smoky Quartz. You can read all about that by clicking here.
Caveat: If you feel like you are being emotionally pushed around by inappropriate energy, it makes sense to also put a protective stone over your heart, like a shield. You can either wear a necklace that hangs over the heart chakra, or stick a rock in your bra.
3) Infusing Vital Energy: I often grab rock combinations that deal with physical vitality and energy in some way. It makes sense to use some red, orange, or “fiery” stones, such as obsidian (volcanic glass) or other rocks that are born of “fire” in some way.
My favorites include: carnelian, copal/amber, tiger’s eye, tiger’s iron, citrine, Sacred Heart Rose Quartz, other hematite included quartz, obsidian, rutilated quartz, ruby, garnet, red jasper, tektites (meteoritic glass), sunstone, and pyrite.
4) General Chakra Wellbeing/Energy Body Flow: Sometimes it’s just useful to support your system to run smoothly and in balance. For this purpose, I would select stones that specifically deal with aligning the system, ones that are parts-to-whole/integrative workers in some way, or healing crystals that have an affinity to water.
My favorites include: ammonites, Ocean Jasper, river stones, and enhydro quartz, smoky amethyst, banded amethyst, clear quartz, selenite.
5) Cramps/Feminine Support: Since the pockets are so close to the female plumbing, so to speak, I’d have to say that I absolutely shove some healing crystals into my pockets during “that time of the month”. I don’t always use rocks for physical aches and pains, but some rocks have been pretty useful to alleviate normal belly aches from Auntie Flo. Using the same wisdom, I would use pocket rocks if I were pregnant, too–the same ones, actually. Whenever I hear about a friend being pregnant, I usually gift black moonstone to the Mom to be.
My favorites include: black or peach moonstone, peach calcite, hematoid quartz, and carnelian. I also sometimes put ammonites in my pockets during my moontime because proper energetic flow also prevents me from getting those entirely wicked cramps that make me wish I was a boy.
6) Comfort & Care During Times of Stress: If I am seriously stressed out, you better believe that I’ve got some sweet, woogy stone stuffed in my pockets and probably my bra. Times of stress and overwhelm require deep soothing, but it also requires major stabilization. If you are already a hot mess, you need something that helps slow down the spiral of drama and gets you stabilized.
My favorites include: Sacred Heart Rose Quartz, rose quartz, lepidolite, mangano calcite, scolecite, amethyst, petrified wood.
7) During Reiki Attunements or Healing Work: Facilitating Reiki sessions or attunements requires you to be pretty open and clear. I usually grab healing crystals for my pockets that help opening and grounding energies.
My favorites include: indigo gabbro, Green Earth Healing Quartz (aka Reiki Quartz), selenite, celedonite phantom quartz (I call them “Teal Core”), rutilated quartz, copper, double terminated quartz, and Quantum Quattro Silica.
8) Continuing Healing Work & Integration: Healing work is always more of a process than an event. It is helpful to continue to support healing work through integration and continued reinforcement of the system so that healing shifts have a chance of becoming a permanent shifts.
My favorites include: ocean jasper, Green Earth Healing Quartz (aka: Reiki Quartz), petrified wood, septarian nodules.
9) Walking in Both Worlds, Stacie’s Personal Go-To Pocket Rocks: OK, I have a unique issue of needing to sometimes be really expanded and spiritually connected and then one minute later being very grounded and able to do “real world” tasks without looking like a complete lunatic. It happens all the time at the rock shop. Some very normal folks come though that just enjoy the aesthetics of the stones and then others come in specifically seeking assistance for energy healing. Since I wear many hats, I need to be able to swing back and forth without taking a half hour to get back in my body. I have solved this unique problem with pocket rocks. Truth.
I use shungite and Presili Blue Stone to do my toggling back and forth between expanded and ordinary states of consciousness. For whatever reason, this is my go-to combination in pocket rocks and there are not many instances where I leave my home without these two stones in my pockets. Those of you who have to toggle back and forth between spiritual and real world states may find this a very useful combination too. I often add lodestone with them.
10) To Support Manifestation of Something: When you are actively working on some particular outcome and seeking to make your own energy field in greater alignment with that which you would like to attract, using pocket rocks can be a potent way to bring those energies to a material level. This method kind of trumps lining up your pocket rocks to correspond to the root or sacral chakras.
My best recommendation would be to put one lodestone in your grounding pocket (for me, it’s the right side) and one or two stones that support whatever it is you would like to manifest in your left pocket (receptive side). Your polarity might be different than mine. I find that I’m projective/grounding on my right and receptive on my left, but I’m right handed. Left handed people may have reverse polarity. I would use lodestone as a way to ground, almost like sucking the energies of what you want to attract in through your receptive side and then washing your whole system with it.
©2020 Stacie Coller, Enter the Earth. See more interesting blog articles and amazing crystals and rocks at Enter the Earth. Don’t forget to follow us on Instagram!